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 Your website is the center of all your digital marketing efforts, so if your page is not clean, easy to read, and interesting, it won’t matter how much time you put into strategy development – you’re still going to lose customers.

 Create a website that is up-to-date, attention-grabbing, and most of all, mobile friendly.Utilize Search Engine Marketing and Optimization comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning toolkit, trusted by thousands of marketers and companies of all sizes and in over 100 countries, gives you everyting you need to create, launch and refine a winning strategy. All in one, easy to access

place.Why do global brands like 3M, GlaxoSmithKline, HSBC, HP, Microsoft and Vodafone—AND thousands of digital marketers and business owners—use the Smart Insights Digital Strategy Toolkit to create and implement their digital business? What’s more, our online marketing strategy toolkit offers you practical, actionable, step-by-step guidance using Excel, Powerpoint and Word templates and examples, so you can quickly start creating a new strategy using all the resources you need. Our strategy course is structured using our tried-and-tested RACE Planning system to help you rapidly create an actionable plan to grow your business :no coincidence—it’s because this toolkit gives you a proven system that has been field-tested in many businesses from the largest to the smallest, so you can confidently use on your business or clients today.Use the Right Web Design​​We don’t often think about web design as a marketing tactic, but it can influence the amount of time and attention a user will spend on your page. Search engine marketing and optimization allow your name and website to appear on a list of search engine results. With a strong SEO strategy, your company website will become associated with the keywords used to find your services. This increases your chances of being the company an individual chooses to work with when selecting a company that offers your

services or productsUtilize Affiliate and Associate Programs An affiliate or associate program doesn’t make sense for every business. However, if you do use these, you can quickly see your marketing efforts improve without needing to do much yourself. With an affiliate program, people who believe in your company can share your information and grow your market on a commission-based platform. Many people rely on the e-marketing to buy products and services through the internet. Studies have shown that there is a steady increase in the number of buyers who make a purchase decision through a search on Google or social network such as Facebook or the comments of previous customers about the quality and price of the product.Therefore, e-marketing through the Internet is an important way to build strong relationships with customers or potential customers. Besides, it seems that the low cost of e-marketing have begun to pull the rug from ordinary marketing, which relies on broadcast ads to all the people and groups, not just the target groups.Use a Coach or ConsultantIf you’re not an expert in digital and internet marketing, ask someone who is. There are hundreds of internet marketing coaches and consultants available to you, many of whom can give you a consultation about what you should change to see success. For small business owners who need to focus on other business systems, a coach or consultant can be extremely helpful.Use an Opt-In Email ListAn opt-in email list allows customers to come to you and sign up to receive email campaigns and correspondence. This allows you to connect with new customers or clients. Use Articles or News Stories Having your name and information listed in other locations on the web can help you grow your company and business. This makes your name visible in an area where customers and clients are already looking and also allows you to become a trusted source of products or

services.Write Online Press Releases When you use online press releases, you’re getting your information out there in a formal setting. This allows newspapers, blogs, or other media sources to see your information and write posts about your company without you needing to put in the effort to connect and claim a story. Use Contests and Giveawayseople love contests and giveaways. Anytime you can encourage marketing from your customers in exchange for a free product or service, you will usually see a surge in purchases or connections. Maintain a Blog Your blog should be used for a number of reasons, including allowing you to consistently post new keywords and optimize your search engine strategy. More than that, your blog becomes somewhere you can offer advice, share bits of information, and really connect with your customers. A lasting relationship begins with trust and your blog is a great way to build that. A strong online marketing strategy will help you to boost your business and start seeing more customers, connections, and clients. These 10 strategies have been proven to help companies gain new exposure. By following the above tips you'll be on your way to creating a concrete internet marketing strategy that could boost your business substantially. The internet has radically transformed how we build and promote businesses: We have access to far more resources and far more potential than ever before. So, why do so many entrepreneurs end up neglecting these fruitful opportunities by forgoing marketing, or delaying it as an unnecessary expenditure? Related: 5 Ways to Improve Your Content-Marketing Strategy in 2016 The way I see it, there are a handful of online marketing strategies you need -- as in, your startup won’t be able to thrive without them. Criteria for “need” What do I mean, you “need” these strategies? After all, isn’t marketing optional? Isn’t it possible to build a business even without an online presence? Technically, yes, but you’ll be missing out on enormous potential by doing so. All the strategies I qualify as
 to your site. You could even use content as a form of help and troubleshooting, or some combination of these applications. Content marketing is incredibly versatile and useful, and, if it's valuable, your customers will expect you to have at least some of it in place for them. Related: 5 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Results Without Breaking the Bank 3. Search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is the process of making your site more visible in search engines, so you get more traffic from people searching for the products or services you offer. Much of your organic search position ranking comes from the technical structure of your site and your ongoing content development strategy. So, SEO is not much more of an investment if you’re already creating new content regularly -- and it’s well worth that extra investment if for no other reason than to make sure your site is properly indexed. 4. Conversion optimization. Most of these strategies aim to get more people on your site, but what do those people do once they’re there? Conversion optimization helps you ensure you get more value out of each and every visitor by maximizing your rate of conversion. Sometimes, this means including more conversion opportunities, and other times, improving the ones you already have. Related: The 4 Essentials of Video Content Marketing Success As you may have noticed from these descriptions, there’s one other key advantage these strategies offer: They all work together. While they can be pursued individually, each connects with and feeds into the others in some way. If you pursue them all, complementing your efforts across these multiple areas, you’ll see an even higher potential return.

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