Clear evidence that they will get impact online business work when developing and implementing international marketing campaigns?
• How can brand image be conveyed in a mobile marketing environment?
• Can a strong brand image be built through mobile marketing techniques?
• What do customers want from mobile marketing messages?
• How does location influence mobile marketing communications?
• What role does timeliness play in mobile marketing communications?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of push and pull mobile marketing strategies?
• How can mobile marketing be used as a viral marketing tool?
• How can mobile payment services increase revenue for mobile marketers? The case of Vodafone.
• How can customer relationship management (CRM) be applied in a mobile marketing environment to improve customer loyalty?
• How can marketing managers drive consumer acceptance of mobile marketing?
• What impact does brand personality have on purchase intentions in the context of mobile marketing?
• What are the diffusion and success factors of mobile marketing?
The 4Ps (Price, Product, Promotion, Place) of marketing mix
The 4Ps concept represents the cornerstone of marketing is widely used by marketing managers when trying to influence consumer decision-making processes. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of the Marketing mix:
• How do price adjustment strategies vary in online and offline environments? The case of music sales.
• Can an overt international pricing strategy negatively affect brand image? The case of iTunes.
• How effective are public relations campaigns following brand failures? The cases of Nike, Shell, and Marks and Spencer.
• The impact of firms varying the frequency of their advertisements in online and offline environments on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of Waterstone’s.
• The impact of product information availability and persuasive advertising on consumer behaviour.
• Differences between comparison and non-comparison advertising and the impact on customers’ purchase intentions? The case of the alcoholic drinks industry in the US.
• Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising in international marketing.
• Can point-of-purchase promotions be as effective in an online environment as they are offline?
• How important is location to customer choice in the UK’s airline industry?
• How has the Internet helped unsought goods build brand awareness? The case of comparison websites.
• Is word-of-mouth (i.e. online customer reviews) the new element of the Marketing mix?
• How important is the Marketing mix to non-profit organisations?
• The effect or brand awareness on consumers’ purchase intentions. The case of low and high involvement product categories.
Social Media Networks and Marketing Dissertation Topics
Social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn) are not only changing the consumers’ attitudes and behaviours, but they are also presenting marketing practitioners with new challenges when trying to reach and acquire customers online. As social media networks become more popular, a marketing dissertation in this area will be timely and in line with current marketing research trends.
• An examination of the positive, neutral and negative user comments on Facebook and their impact on future participation in discussions
• Why have functional applications on Facebook achieved so little success compared with their fun counterparts?
• How do applications of Facebook turn users into sales? The relationship between total installs, daily active users, and application valuation.
• A comparison of the effectiveness of banner advertising on different social media networks? The cases of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
• What impact does newsfeed restriction have on consumers’ attitudes and behaviours towards using Facebook?
• Is electronic word-of-mouth more persuasive than traditional word-of-mouth? An investigation into online customer reviews.
• Does traditional customer loyalty apply to consumer behaviour in social media networks?
• How do non-profit organisations execute marketing campaigns on social media networks such as Facebook?
• Can firms measure the ROI of their social media marketing?
• An investigation of the impact of brand post popularity on Facebook brand fan pages on social media marketing.
• Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: Implications for marketing managers.
• The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty.
• How do firms use social media marketing to encourage customers’ purchase behaviours?
Ethics in Marketing Dissertation Topics
The power of the media in changing consumer attitudes has a significant impact on how firms are expected to behave, as well as how they should integrate ethics into their marketing campaigns. As a consequence, marketing ethics is concerned with a range of issues from ethical business practices, to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes and cause-related marketing. Below are suggestions for dissertation topics in the area of marketing ethics and CSR:
• The role of EasyJet’s low fare online pricing strategy on changing customer demand trends?
• The impact of Fair Trade labels on consumers’ purchase behaviours?
• What impact do published codes of conduct have on customer buying behaviour? The cases of The Body Shop, Levi Strauss, and Marks and Spencer.
• How do ethical purchase intentions and ethical awareness affect purchasing behaviour? A comparison between the sales of battery and free range chickens.
• What impact do cause-related marketing campaigns have on consumer buying behaviour? The case of Starbucks’ Raise a cup to a good cause campaign. .
• Why do some controversial marketing communications work whilst other fail? The case of PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
• How have spam laws improved marketing ethics online?
• What factors distinguish a consumer’s choice of most and least socially responsible firms?
• How do firms use public relations to recover from consumer boycotts? The case of Shell and Nestle.
• The role of gender differences in the impact of CSR perceptions on corporate marketing outcomes.
• The relationship between marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility: Serving stakeholders and the common good.
• The role of trust on building company reputation and brand equity through CSR initiatives.
• Firm performance and corporate social responsibility. An investigation into the role of marketing competence and market environment.
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